Welcome to Faint Signals from Vega

Welcome to Faint Signals from Vega. You can find regular podcast episodes on anything I find interesting at my Youtube channel.

Please follow my twitter account and my substack.

Why subscribe to Faint Signals from Vega on Substack ?

Notifications to my subscribers on Youtube are quite poor and infrequent. Algorithms ( used to censor the left) are crippling. Channels are being removed without notice or explanation.

Subscribing to Substack is simple and will be one way for us to keep connected, and for you to know when I post. You will also be informed if Youtube has suddenly decided to pull the plug on all leftist content ( which is most likely coming.) Hyperbole? Not really 😀

When you subscribe to my substack, you will start receiving updates right there in your inbox. You can also log in to the website to read the full archives and other posts as they are published.

I release videos almost every day on my Youtube channel Faint Signals from Vega, but I will do my best to only post twice a week on Substack so as not to overload your inbox. I will put two or so podcast vids in each post.

I also invite you to subscribe here  on the official site should the powers-that-be decide that Substack is interfering with their interests. Here at my official site we can keep in touch should all these platforms be removed.

Look forward to seeing you.

Much love,
In solidarity


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Podcasts on anything that I find interesting